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Vlogs:it is time to let go....

Updated: Jun 26

What do you need to let go of that no longer serves you; that is or may be holding you back or keeping you from moving forward? We all have something, someone or some place that it is time to let go of. We cannot move forward in the way we like if we continue to hold on to what no longer is best for us. I know it will hurt, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically, all or just a few but what is the harm caused to you by staying or sticking with whatever you need to let go of??? What will it take to let go??? I myself have experienced this, in one form or another, such as I am a recovering alcoholic. I knew at a young age I had a drinking problem and fighting the craving everyday as well as dealing with the why of why I drank was hard and needed to and still needs to be evaluated everyday. I've had relationships that I stayed way to long in because although he was a good person we only triggered each other or I just allowed him to walk all over me, after years or months I knew I was worthy of being treated better & I could no longer stay; after fighting for so long I had to take care of me and let go.

This is about taking care of yourself, doing what is best for you. For you to know who you are and what you want you need to sit and reflect on the things and people in your life that surround you. How do you feel when with....when doing....when going to work....etc. this takes being honest with yourself in all aspects. Does your body feel anxious, worried, insecure, do you feel like shit keeps hitting the fan or like you're pressured or uncomfortable, walking on eggshells or just like i'm tired of this BS? Really look at what you feel, think, because your body, mind, heart, soul are literally telling you it's time for something new, different, take care of yourself, take care of us is everything that's being expressed to you. The thing is, is that the environment will continue to get worse the more you push to stay, this happens because everything within you, The Universe, God, Goddess whichever, is telling you to leave and it will continue to show up in negative, low vibrational ways until you listen in all ways and let go!

You are an amazing being! Learning more about yourself, the way your body reacts or responds to people, places, things is one of the most important ways of getting to know yourself, what you like, don't like and more. This is not easy and can take months or even still years to learn but realize it took years of people telling you who you are, what you like so on and so forth, so it will take time to break that and learn you!

I am here to help lead, guide & support you on your journey of self discovery, for you to become consciously empowered in who you are! I am here to help you accept even just one part of who you are, it's not easy and can at times be heartbreaking but knowing who you are and accepting that, IS WORTH IT, it gives you POWER, especially when others do what they can to control or have power over you! You are not broken because every part of you is needed, it's what made you who you are, Why continue to deny you of you??? We will bind all parts of you with "Gold" to help you feel whole and complete within yourself!

Are you ready to start your journey, one step at a time? Book a consultation/Convo in the link below.

If you have any questions fill out the contact info on my website

Vlog: It is time to let go....


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