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Vlogs: Become Limitless!

"The only thing that can Limit you is believing that your are limited. Become Limitless" Yogi tea.

What story or belief makes you feel limited? There is a moment when we all feel limited no matter what but what happens when we change our thought process or no longer allow others, society, etc to tell us that we are limited, that we can't do something or that we have to do things a certain way because no other way works or isn't accepted....?!

No one else can actually limit you, only you can by believing what is or was said, shown to you! We can do anything we set our mind to, you want to do something and don't know how, you learn to do it then you tweak it in your way for it to be more efficient for you. It's like math, there are many different ways of doing math but what way works for you? I had an amazing math teacher my Junior/Senior year of highschool, he was able to show the class at least 3 different ways to do a problem but he could always tell that what he showed wasn't working for me so when he was done showing the class he would come sit with me and show me a different way all together so I could get and understand the process and answer. He wasn't limiting me to figure out the problem with examples I didn't understand, he showed me there are limitless ways to get the same answer just in the way that worked for me.

All of our brains work in the way that is best for us, we can expand that or not but why limit yourself to what you can do, experience, achieve? Why not allow your beautiful imagination run wild and help you. It's crazy cause as children we used our imaginations continuously but we become an "adult" and act like we can't use it anymore, Honestly who said you can't and why does it matter when someone tells you or implies that as an adult we can't be imaginative? I still believe in Unicorns, Fairies/Fae, Bigfoot, etc I have not let go of my imagination. Your imagination helps you create whether it's a meal, art, writing, videos.... there are endless possibilities, you are limitless in the way you can show up or not but in the end it comes down to what you believe not what others tell you!

You are unstoppable and when you realize and accept this you will be more powerful then you already were simply cause you are not allowing the "world around you" to stifle you, let alone yourself!!! Lets Change our Mindset, Become Limitless!

I have consultations available so we can explore this together, to help you grow and know you are limitless! So book a Let's have a Convo to get started on your journey of knowing yourself. This is a one step at a time process's, it won't happen over night but it will happen! Click link below

Check out my website to learn more and contact me with any questions you may have! I look forward to hearing from you. Have an amazing day! Sending you love:)

Vlog: Become Limitless!

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